
 * MOST Web Framework
 * A JavaScript Web Framework
 * http://themost.io
 * Created by Kyriakos Barbounakis<k.barbounakis@gmail.com> on 2014-01-25.
 * Copyright (c) 2014, Kyriakos Barbounakis k.barbounakis@gmail.com
 Anthi Oikonomou anthioikonomou@gmail.com
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
 list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
 this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
 and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * Neither the name of MOST Web Framework nor the names of its
 contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
 this software without specific prior written permission.

 * @ignore
var events = require('events'),
    _ = require('lodash'),
    util = require('util'),
    async = require('async'),
    qry = require('most-query');

 * @module most-data/types
 * */
var types = { };

 * @classdesc Represents an abstract data connector to a database
 * <p>
 There are several data adapters for connections to common database engines:
    <li>MOST Web Framework MySQL Adapter for connecting with MySQL Database Server
    <p>Install the data adapter:<p>
    <pre class="prettyprint"><code>npm install most-data-mysql</code></pre>
    <p>Append the adapter type in application configuration (app.json#adapterTypes):<p>
    <pre class="prettyprint"><code>
 "adapterTypes": [
 { "name":"MySQL Data Adapter", "invariantName": "mysql", "type":"most-data-mysql" }
 <p>Register an adapter in application configuration (app.json#adapters):<p>
 <pre class="prettyprint"><code>
 adapters: [
 { "name":"development", "invariantName":"mysql", "default":true,
     "options": {
    <li>MOST Web Framework MSSQL Adapter for connecting with Microsoft SQL Database Server
 <p>Install the data adapter:<p>
 <pre class="prettyprint"><code>npm install most-data-mssql</code></pre>
 <p>Append the adapter type in application configuration (app.json#adapterTypes):<p>
 <pre class="prettyprint"><code>
 "adapterTypes": [
 { "name":"MSSQL Data Adapter", "invariantName": "mssql", "type":"most-data-mssql" }
 <p>Register an adapter in application configuration (app.json#adapters):<p>
 <pre class="prettyprint"><code>
 adapters: [
 { "name":"development", "invariantName":"mssql", "default":true,
        "options": {
    <li>MOST Web Framework PostgreSQL Adapter for connecting with PostgreSQL Database Server
 <p>Install the data adapter:<p>
 <pre class="prettyprint"><code>npm install most-data-pg</code></pre>
 <p>Append the adapter type in application configuration (app.json#adapterTypes):<p>
 <pre class="prettyprint"><code>
 "adapterTypes": [
 { "name":"PostgreSQL Data Adapter", "invariantName": "postgres", "type":"most-data-pg" }
 <p>Register an adapter in application configuration (app.json#adapters):<p>
 <pre class="prettyprint"><code>
 adapters: [
 { "name":"development", "invariantName":"postgres", "default":true,
        "options": {
    <li>MOST Web Framework Oracle Adapter for connecting with Oracle Database Server
 <p>Install the data adapter:<p>
 <pre class="prettyprint"><code>npm install most-data-oracle</code></pre>
 <p>Append the adapter type in application configuration (app.json#adapterTypes):<p>
 <pre class="prettyprint"><code>
 "adapterTypes": [
 { "name":"Oracle Data Adapter", "invariantName": "oracle", "type":"most-data-oracle" }
 <p>Register an adapter in application configuration (app.json#adapters):<p>
 <pre class="prettyprint"><code>
 adapters: [
 { "name":"development", "invariantName":"oracle", "default":true,
        "options": {
    <li>MOST Web Framework SQLite Adapter for connecting with Sqlite Databases
 <p>Install the data adapter:<p>
 <pre class="prettyprint"><code>npm install most-data-sqlite</code></pre>
 <p>Append the adapter type in application configuration (app.json#adapterTypes):<p>
 <pre class="prettyprint"><code>
 "adapterTypes": [
 { "name":"SQLite Data Adapter", "invariantName": "sqlite", "type":"most-data-sqlite" }
 <p>Register an adapter in application configuration (app.json#adapters):<p>
 <pre class="prettyprint"><code>
 adapters: [
 { "name":"development", "invariantName":"sqlite", "default":true,
        "options": {
    <li>MOST Web Framework Data Pool Adapter for connection pooling
 <p>Install the data adapter:<p>
 <pre class="prettyprint"><code>npm install most-data-pool</code></pre>
 <p>Append the adapter type in application configuration (app.json#adapterTypes):<p>
 <pre class="prettyprint"><code>
 "adapterTypes": [
 { "name":"Pool Data Adapter", "invariantName": "pool", "type":"most-data-pool" }
 { "name":"...", "invariantName": "...", "type":"..." }
 <p>Register an adapter in application configuration (app.json#adapters):<p>
 <pre class="prettyprint"><code>
 adapters: [
 { "name":"development", "invariantName":"...", "default":false,
    "options": {
 { "name":"development_with_pool", "invariantName":"pool", "default":true,
    "options": {
 * @class
 * @constructor
 * @param {*} options - The database connection options
 * @abstract
 * @property {*} rawConnection - Gets or sets the native database connection
 * @property {*} options - Gets or sets the database connection options
function DataAdapter(options) {

    this.options = options;

 * Opens the underlying database connection
 * @param {Function} callback - A callback function where the first argument will contain the Error object if an error occured, or null otherwise.
DataAdapter.prototype.open = function(callback) {

 * Closes the underlying database connection
 * @param {Function=} callback - A callback function where the first argument will contain the Error object if an error occured, or null otherwise.
DataAdapter.prototype.close = function(callback) {

 * Executes the given query against the underlying database.
 * @param {string|*} query - A string or a query expression to execute.
 * @param {*} values - An object which represents the named parameters that are going to used during query parsing
 * @param {Function} callback - A callback function where the first argument will contain the Error object if an error occured, or null otherwise. The second argument will contain the result.
DataAdapter.prototype.execute = function(query, values, callback) {
 * Executes a batch query expression and returns the result.
 * @param {DataModelBatch} batch - The batch query expression to execute
 * @param {Function=} callback - A callback function where the first argument will contain the Error object if an error occured, or null otherwise. The second argument will contain the result.
 * @deprecated This method is deprecated.
DataAdapter.prototype.executeBatch = function(batch, callback) {

 * Produces a new identity value for the given entity and attribute.
 * @param {string} entity - A string that represents the target entity name
 * @param {string} attribute - A string that represents the target attribute name
 * @param {Function=} callback - A callback function where the first argument will contain the Error object if an error occured, or null otherwise. The second argument will contain the result.
DataAdapter.prototype.selectIdentity = function(entity, attribute , callback) {

 * Begins a transactional operation and executes the given function
 * @param {Function} fn - The function to execute
 * @param {Function=} callback - A callback function where the first argument will contain the Error object if an error occured, or null otherwise. The second argument will contain the result.
DataAdapter.prototype.executeInTransaction = function(fn, callback) {
 * A helper method for creating a database view if the current data adapter supports views
 * @param {string} name - A string that represents the name of the view to be created
 * @param {QueryExpression|*} query - A query expression that represents the database view
 * @param {Function=} callback - A callback function where the first argument will contain the Error object if an error occured, or null otherwise.
DataAdapter.prototype.createView = function(name, query, callback) {

 * @classdesc EventEmitter2 class is an extension of node.js EventEmitter class where listeners are excuting in series.
 * @class
 * @augments EventEmitter
 * @constructor
function EventEmitter2() {
util.inherits(EventEmitter2, events.EventEmitter);
 * Raises the specified event and executes event listeners in series.
 * @param {String} event - The event that is going to be raised.
 * @param {*} args - An object that contains the event arguments.
 * @param {Function} callback - A callback function to be invoked after the execution.
EventEmitter2.prototype.emit = function(event, args, callback)
    var self = this;
    ////example: call super class function
    //ensure callback
    callback = callback || function() {};
    //get listeners
    var listeners = this.listeners(event);
    //validate listeners
    if (listeners.length==0) {
        //exit emitter
        callback.call(self, null);
     An EventEmitter2 listener must be a function with args and a callback e.g.
     function(e, cb) {
     //do some code
     //finalize event
    //get event arguments
    var e = args;
    //apply each series
    async.applyEachSeries(listeners, e, function(err) {
        callback.call(self, err);

EventEmitter2.prototype.once = function(type, listener) {
    var self = this;
    if (typeof listener !== 'function')
        throw TypeError('listener must be a function');
    var fired = false;
    function g() {
        self.removeListener(type, g);
        if (!fired) {
            fired = true;
            listener.apply(this, arguments);
    g.listener = listener;
    this.on(type, g);
    return this;

 * @classdesc Represents the event arguments of a data model listener.
 * @class
 * @constructor
 * @property {DataModel|*} model - Represents the underlying model.
 * @property {DataObject|*} target - Represents the underlying data object.
 * @property {Number|*} state - Represents the operation state (Update, Insert, Delete).
 * @property {DataQueryable|*} emitter - Represents the event emitter, normally a DataQueryable object instance.
 * @property {*} query - Represents the underlying query expression. This property may be null.
function DataEventArgs() {

 * @classdesc Represents the main data context.
 * @class
 * @augments EventEmitter2
 * @constructor
function DataContext() {
     * Gets the current database adapter
     * @type {DataAdapter}
    this.db = undefined;
    Object.defineProperty(this, 'db', {
        get : function() {
            return null;
        configurable : true,
        enumerable:false });

 * Gets a data model based on the given data context
 * @param name {string} A string that represents the model to be loaded.
 * @returns {DataModel}
DataContext.prototype.model = function(name) {
    return null;

 * Gets an instance of DataConfiguration class which is associated with this data context
 * @returns {DataConfiguration}
DataContext.prototype.getConfiguration = function() {
    return null;

 * @param cb {Function}
DataContext.prototype.finalize = function(cb) {
//set EventEmitter2 inheritance
util.inherits(DataContext, EventEmitter2);

 * @classdesc Represents a data model's listener
 * @class
 * @constructor
 * @abstract
function DataEventListener() {
 * Occurs before executing a data operation. The event arguments contain the query that is going to be executed.
 * @param {DataEventArgs} e - An object that represents the event arguments passed to this operation.
 * @param {Function} cb - A callback function that should be called at the end of this operation. The first argument may be an error if any occured.
DataEventListener.prototype.beforeExecute = function(e, cb) {
    return this;
 * Occurs after executing a data operation. The event arguments contain the executed query.
 * @param {DataEventArgs} e - An object that represents the event arguments passed to this operation.
 * @param {Function} cb - A callback function that should be called at the end of this operation. The first argument may be an error if any occured.
DataEventListener.prototype.afterExecute = function(e, cb) {
    return this;
 * Occurs before creating or updating a data object.
 * @param {DataEventArgs} e - An object that represents the event arguments passed to this operation.
 * @param {Function} cb - A callback function that should be called at the end of this operation. The first argument may be an error if any occured.
DataEventListener.prototype.beforeSave = function(e, cb) {
    return this;
 * Occurs after creating or updating a data object.
 * @param {DataEventArgs} e - An object that represents the event arguments passed to this operation.
 * @param {Function} cb - A callback function that should be called at the end of this operation. The first argument may be an error if any occured.
DataEventListener.prototype.afterSave = function(e, cb) {
    return this;
 * Occurs before removing a data object.
 * @param {DataEventArgs} e - An object that represents the event arguments passed to this operation.
 * @param {Function} cb - A callback function that should be called at the end of this operation. The first argument may be an error if any occured.
 * @returns {DataEventListener}
DataEventListener.prototype.beforeRemove = function(e, cb) {
    return this;
 * Occurs after removing a data object.
 * @param {DataEventArgs} e - An object that represents the event arguments passed to this operation.
 * @param {Function} cb - A callback function that should be called at the end of this operation. The first argument may be an error if any occured.
DataEventListener.prototype.afterRemove = function(e, cb) {
    return this;

 * Occurs after upgrading a data model.
 * @param {DataEventArgs} e - An object that represents the event arguments passed to this operation.
 * @param {Function} cb - A callback function that should be called at the end of this operation. The first argument may be an error if any occured.
DataEventListener.prototype.afterUpgrade = function(e, cb) {
    return this;

var DateTimeRegex = /^(\d{4})(?:-?W(\d+)(?:-?(\d+)D?)?|(?:-(\d+))?-(\d+))(?:[T ](\d+):(\d+)(?::(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?)?)?(?:Z(-?\d*))?$/g;
var BooleanTrueRegex = /^true$/ig;
var BooleanFalseRegex = /^false$/ig;
var NullRegex = /^null$/ig;
var UndefinedRegex = /^undefined$/ig;
var IntegerRegex =/^[-+]?\d+$/g;
var FloatRegex =/^[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/g;


 * @classdesc Extends Error object for throwing exceptions on data operations
 * @class
 * @param {string=} code - A string that represents an error code
 * @param {string=} message - The error message
 * @param {string=} innerMessage - The error inner message
 * @param {string=} model - The target model
 * @param {string=} field - The target field
 * @constructor
 * @property {string} code - A string that represents an error code e.g. EDATA
 * @property {string} message -  The error message.
 * @property {string} innerMessage - The error inner message.
 * @property {number} status - A number that represents an error status. This error status may be used for throwing the approriate HTTP error.
 * @augments Error
function DataException(code, message, innerMessage, model, field) {
    this.code  = code || 'EDATA';
    if (model)
        this.model = model;
    if (field)
        this.field = field;
    this.message = message || 'A general data error occured.';
    if (innerMessage)
        this.innerMessage = innerMessage;
util.inherits(DataException, Error);

 * @classdesc Extends Error object for throwing not null exceptions.
 * @class
 * @param {string=} message - The error message
 * @param {string=} innerMessage - The error inner message
 * @constructor
 * @property {string} code - A string that represents an error code. The default error code is ENULL.
 * @property {string} message -  The error message.
 * @property {string} innerMessage - The error inner message.
 * @property {number} status - A number that represents an error status. This error status may be used for throwing the approriate HTTP error. The default status is 409 (Conflict)
 * @property {string} model - The target model name
 * @property {string} field - The target field name
 * @augments Error
function NotNullException(message, innerMessage, model, field) {
    NotNullException.super_.call(this, 'ENULL', message || 'A value is required', innerMessage, model, field);
    this.status = 409;
util.inherits(NotNullException, DataException);

 * @classdesc Extends Error object for throwing not found exceptions.
 * @class
 * @param {string=} message - The error message
 * @param {string=} innerMessage - The error inner message
 * @constructor
 * @property {string} code - A string that represents an error code. The default error code is EFOUND.
 * @property {string} message -  The error message.
 * @property {string} innerMessage - The error inner message.
 * @property {number} status - A number that represents an error status. This error status may be used for throwing the approriate HTTP error. The default status is 404 (Conflict)
 * @property {string} model - The target model name
 * @augments Error
function DataNotFoundException(message, innerMessage, model) {
    DataNotFoundException.super_.call(this, 'EFOUND', message || 'The requested data was not found.', innerMessage, model);
    this.status = 404;
util.inherits(DataNotFoundException, DataException);

 * @classdesc Extends Error object for throwing unique constraint exceptions.
 * @class
 * @param {string=} message - The error message
 * @param {string=} innerMessage - The error inner message
 * @constructor
 * @property {string} code - A string that represents an error code. The default error code is ENULL.
 * @property {string} message -  The error message.
 * @property {string} innerMessage - The error inner message.
 * @property {number} status - A number that represents an error status. This error status may be used for throwing the approriate HTTP error. The default status is 409 (Conflict)
 * @property {string} model - The target model name
 * @property {string} constraint - The target constraint name
 * @augments Error
function UniqueConstraintException(message, innerMessage, model, constraint) {
    UniqueConstraintException.super_.call(this, 'EUNQ', message || 'A unique constraint violated', innerMessage, model);
    if (constraint)
        this.constraint = constraint;
    this.status = 409;
util.inherits(UniqueConstraintException, DataException);

 * @classdesc Represents an access denied data exception.
 * @class
 * @param {string=} message - The error message
 * @param {string=} innerMessage - The error inner message
 * @property {string} code - A string that represents an error code. The error code is EACCESS.
 * @property {number} status - A number that represents an error status. The error status is 401.
 * @property {string} message -  The error message.
 * @property {string} innerMessage - The error inner message.
 * @augments DataException
 * @constructor
function AccessDeniedException(message, innerMessage) {
    AccessDeniedException.super_.call(this, 'EACCESS', ('Access Denied' || message) , innerMessage);
    this.status = 401;
util.inherits(AccessDeniedException, DataException);

 * @ignore
 * @class
 * @param name
 * @constructor
function DataQueryableField(name) {
    if (typeof name !== 'string') {
        throw new Error('Invalid argument type. Expected string.')
    this.name = name;

 * @returns {DataQueryableField}
DataQueryableField.prototype.as = function(s) {
    if (_.isNil(s)) {
        delete this.$as;
        return this;
     * @private
     * @type {string}
    this.$as = s;
    return this;

 * Returns the alias expression, if any.
 * @returns {string}
 * @private
DataQueryableField.prototype._as = function() {
    return (typeof this.$as !== 'undefined' && this.$as != null) ? ' as ' + this.$as : '';

DataQueryableField.prototype.toString = function() {
    return this.name + this._as();

 * @returns {string}
DataQueryableField.prototype.max = function() {
    return util.format('max(%s)', this.name) + this._as();

 * @returns {string}
DataQueryableField.prototype.min = function() {
    return util.format('min(%s)', this.name) + this._as();

 * @returns {string}
DataQueryableField.prototype.count = function() {
    return util.format('count(%s)', this.name) + this._as();

 * @returns {string}
DataQueryableField.prototype.average = function() {
    return util.format('avg(%s)', this.name) + this._as();

 * @returns {string}
DataQueryableField.prototype.length = function() {
    return util.format('length(%s)', this.name) + this._as();

// * @param {String} s
// * @returns {string}
// */
//DataQueryableField.prototype.indexOf = function(s) {
//    return util.format('indexof(%s,%s)', this.name, qry.escape(s)) + this._as();

 * @param {number} pos
 * @param {number} length
 * @returns {string}
DataQueryableField.prototype.substr = function(pos, length) {
    return util.format('substring(%s,%s,%s)',this.name, pos, length) + this._as();

 * @returns {string}
DataQueryableField.prototype.floor = function() {
    return util.format('floor(%s)',this.name) + this._as();

 * @returns {string}
DataQueryableField.prototype.round = function() {
    return util.format('round(%s)',this.name) + this._as();

 * @returns {string}
DataQueryableField.prototype.getYear = function() {
    return util.format('year(%s)',this.name) + this._as();

 * @returns {string}
DataQueryableField.prototype.getDay = function() {
    return util.format('day(%s)',this.name) + this._as();

 * @returns {string}
DataQueryableField.prototype.getMonth = function() {
    return util.format('month(%s)',this.name) + this._as();

 * @returns {string}
DataQueryableField.prototype.getMinutes = function() {
    return util.format('minute(%s)',this.name) + this._as();

 * @returns {string}
DataQueryableField.prototype.getHours = function() {
    return util.format('hour(%s)',this.name) + this._as();

 * @returns {string}
DataQueryableField.prototype.getSeconds = function() {
    return util.format('second(%s)',this.name) + this._as();

 * @returns {string}
DataQueryableField.prototype.getDate = function() {
    return util.format('date(%s)',this.name) + this._as();

// * @returns {string}
// */
//DataQueryableField.prototype.ceil = function() {
//    return util('ceil(%s)',this.name);

 * @returns {string}
DataQueryableField.prototype.toLocaleLowerCase = function() {
    return util.format('tolower(%s)',this.name) + this._as();

 * @returns {string}
DataQueryableField.prototype.toLowerCase = function() {
    return util.format('tolower(%s)',this.name) + this._as();

 * @returns {string}
DataQueryableField.prototype.toLocaleUpperCase = function() {
    return util.format('toupper(%s)',this.name) + this._as();

 * @returns {string}
DataQueryableField.prototype.toUpperCase = function() {
    return util.format('toupper(%s)',this.name) + this._as();

 * @returns {string}
DataQueryableField.prototype.trim = function() {
    return util.format('trim(%s)',this.name) + this._as();

/** native extensions **/
if (typeof String.prototype.fieldOf === 'undefined')
     * @returns {DataQueryableField}
     * @private
    var fnFieldOf = function() {
        if (this == null) {
            throw new TypeError('String.prototype.fieldOf called on null or undefined');
        return new DataQueryableField(this.toString());
    if (!String.prototype.fieldOf) { String.prototype.fieldOf = fnFieldOf; }

 * Represents a model migration scheme against data adapters
 * @class
 * @constructor
 * @ignore
function DataModelMigration() {
     * Gets an array that contains the definition of fields that are going to be added
     * @type {Array}
    this.add = [];
     * Gets an array that contains a collection of constraints which are going to be added
     * @type {Array}
    this.constraints = [];
     * Gets an array that contains a collection of indexes which are going to be added or updated
     * @type {Array}
    this.indexes = [];
     * Gets an array that contains the definition of fields that are going to be deleted
     * @type {Array}
    this.remove = [];
     * Gets an array that contains the definition of fields that are going to be changed
     * @type {Array}
    this.change = [];
     * Gets or sets a string that contains the internal version of this migration. This property cannot be null.
     * @type {string}
    this.version = '0.0';
     * Gets or sets a string that represents a short description of this migration
     * @type {string}
    this.description = null;
     * Gets or sets a string that represents the adapter that is going to be migrated through this operation.
     * This property cannot be null.
    this.appliesTo = null;
     * Gets or sets a string that represents the model that is going to be migrated through this operation.
     * This property may be null.
    this.model = null;
 * @ignore
 * @deprecated
 * @class
 * @constructor
function DataModelBatch() {
     * Gets or sets a string that represents the data table that is going to be used in this operation.
     * This property cannot be null.
    this.appliesTo = null;
     * Gets an array that contains the items to be added
    this.add = [];
     * Gets an array that contains the items to be updated
    this.change = [];
     * Gets an array that contains the items to be updated
    this.remove = [];
     * Gets or sets the target model
     * @type {DataModel}
    this.model = null;
 * @param {*} obj
DataModelBatch.prototype.prepare = function(obj) {
    var self = this;
    if (self.model==null)
        throw new Error('The model of a batch operation cannot be empty at this context.');
    var key = self.model.key();
    if (!obj)
    var items = util.isArray(obj) ? obj : [obj];
    array(items).each(function(x) {
        if (x[key.name]!=null) {
            //state is modified
            self.change = self.change || [];
        else {
            //state is added
            self.add = self.add || [];

 * @classdesc DataAssociationMapping class describes the association between two models.
 * <p>
 *     An association between two models is described in field attributes. For example
 *     model Order may have an association with model Party (Person or Organization) through the field Order.customer:
 * </p>
 <pre class="prettyprint"><code>
   { "name": "Order",
     "fields": [
        "name": "customer",
        "title": "Customer",
        "description": "Party placing the order.",
        "type": "Party"
      This association is equivalent with the following DataAssociationMapping instance:
 <pre class="prettyprint"><code>
 "mapping": {
    "cascade": "null",
    "associationType": "association",
    "select": [],
    "childField": "customer",
    "childModel": "Order",
    "parentField": "id",
    "parentModel": "Party"
 The above association mapping was auto-generated from the field definition of Order.customer where the field type (Party)
 actually defines the association between these models.
 Another example of an association between two models is a many-to-many association. User model has a many-to-many association (for user groups) with Group model:
 <pre class="prettyprint"><code>
 { "name": "User",
   "fields": [
    "name": "groups",
    "title": "User Groups",
    "description": "A collection of groups where user belongs.",
    "type": "Group",
    "expandable": true,
    "mapping": {
        "associationAdapter": "GroupMembers",
        "parentModel": "Group",
        "parentField": "id",
        "childModel": "User",
        "childField": "id",
        "associationType": "junction",
        "cascade": "delete"
 <p>This association may also be defined in Group model:</p>
 <pre class="prettyprint"><code>
 { "name": "Group",
   "fields": [
    "name": "members",
    "title": "Group Members",
    "description": "Contains the collection of group members (users or groups).",
    "type": "Account",
 * @class
 * @property {string} associationAdapter - Gets or sets the association database object
 * @property {string} parentModel - Gets or sets the parent model name
 * @property {string} childModel - Gets or sets the child model name
 * @property {string} parentField - Gets or sets the parent field name
 * @property {string} childField - Gets or sets the child field name
 * @property {string} refersTo - Gets or sets the parent property where this association refers to
 * @property {string} parentLabel - Gets or sets the parent field that is going to be used as label for this association
 * @property {string} cascade - Gets or sets the action that occurs when parent item is going to be deleted (all|none|null|delete). The default value is 'none'.
 * @property {string} associationType - Gets or sets the type of this association (junction|association). The default value is 'association'.
 * @property {string[]} select - Gets or sets an array of fields to select from associated model. If this property is empty then all associated model fields will be selected.
 * @param {*=} obj - An object that contains relation mapping attributes
 * @constructor
function DataAssociationMapping(obj) {
    this.cascade = 'none';
    this.associationType = 'association';
    this.select = [];
    if (typeof obj === 'object') { util._extend(this, obj); }

 * @class
 * @constructor
 * @property {string} name - Gets or sets the internal name of this field.
 * @property {string} property - Gets or sets the property name for this field.
 * @property {string} title - Gets or sets the title of this field.
 * @property {boolean} nullable - Gets or sets a boolean that indicates whether field is nullable or not.
 * @property {string} type - Gets or sets the type of this field.
 * @property {boolean} primary - Gets or sets a boolean that indicates whether field is primary key or not.
 * @property {boolean} many - Gets or sets a boolean that indicates whether field defines an one-to-many relationship between models.
 * @property {boolean} model - Gets or sets the parent model of this field.
 * @property {*} value - Gets or sets the default value of this field.
 * @property {*} calculation - Gets or sets the calculated value of this field.
 * @property {boolean} readonly - Gets or sets a boolean which indicates whether a field is readonly.
 * @property {boolean} editable - Gets or sets a boolean which indicates whether a field is available for edit. The default value is true.
 * @property {DataAssociationMapping} mapping - Get or sets a relation mapping for this field.
 * @property {string} coltype - Gets or sets a string that indicates the data field's column type. This attribute is used in data view definition
 * @property {boolean} expandable - Get or sets whether the current field defines an association mapping and the associated data object(s) must be included while getting data.
 * @property {string} section - Gets or sets the section where the field belongs.
 * @property {boolean} nested - Gets or sets a boolean which indicates whether this field allows object(s) to be nested and updatable during an insert or update operation
 * @property {string} description - Gets or sets a short description for this field.
 * @property {string} help - Gets or sets a short help for this field.
 * @property {string} appearance - Gets or sets the appearance template of this field, if any.
 * @property {{type:string,custom:string,minValue:*,maxValue:*,minLength:number,maxLength:number,pattern:string,patternMessage:string}|*} validation - Gets or sets data validation attributes.
 * @property {*} options - Gets or sets the available options for this field.
 * @property {boolean} virtual - Gets or sets a boolean that indicates whether this field is a view only field or not.
 * @property {boolean} indexed - Gets or sets a boolean which indicates whether this field will be indexed for searching items. The default value is false.
function DataField() {
    this.nullable = true;
    this.primary = false;
    this.indexed = false;
    this.readonly = false;
    this.expandable = false;
    this.virtual = false;
    this.editable = true;

 * @class
 * @constructor
 * @property {string} name - Gets or sets a short description for this listener
 * @property {string} type - Gets or sets a string which is the path of the module that exports this listener.
 * @property {boolean} disabled - Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether this listener is disabled or not. The default value is false.
 * @description
 * <p>
 * A data model uses event listeners as triggers which are automatically executed after data operations.
 * Those listeners are defined in [eventListeners] section of a model's schema.
 * </p>
 * <pre class="prettyprint">
*     {
*          ...
*          "fields": [ ... ],
*          ...
*          "eventListeners": [
*              { "name":"Update Listener", "type":"/app/controllers/an-update-listener.js" },
*              { "name":"Another Update Listener", "type":"module-a/lib/listener" }
*          ]
*          ...
*     }
 * </pre>
 * @example
 * // A simple DataEventListener that sends a message to sales users after new order was arrived.
 * var web = require("most-web");
 exports.afterSave = function(event, callback) {
    //exit if state is other than [Insert]
    if (event.state != 1) { return callback() }
    //initialize web mailer
    var mm = require("most-web-mailer"), context = event.model.context;
    //send new order mail template by passing new item data
        .subject("New Order")
        .template("new-order").send(event.target, function(err) {
        if (err) { return web.common.log(err); }
        return callback();
function DataModelEventListener() {

 * An enumeration of tha available privilege types
 * @enum
var PrivilegeType = {
     * Self Privilege (self).
     * @type {string}
    Self: "self",
     * Parent Privilege (parent)
     * @type {string}
    Parent: "parent",
     * Item Privilege (child)
     * @type {string}
    Item: "item",
     * Global Privilege (global)
     * @type {string}
    Global: "global"

 * @classdesc Represents a privilege which is defined in a data model and it may be given in users and groups
 * @class
 * @constructor
 * @property {PermissionMask} mask - Gets or sets the set of permissions which may be given with this privilege.
 * @property {PrivilegeType|string} type - Gets or sets the type of this privilege (global|parent|item|self).
 * @property {string} filter - Gets or sets a filter expression which is going to be used for self privileges.
 * The defined set of permissions are automatically assigned if the requested objects fulfill filter criteria.
 * (e.g. read-write permissions for a user's associated person through the following expression:"user eq me()")
 * @property {string} account - Gets or sets a wildcard (*) expression for global privileges only.
 * The defined set of permissions are automatically assigned to all users (e.g. read permissions for all users)
function DataModelPrivilege() {


 * Represents a query result when this query uses paging parameters.
 * @class
 * @property {number} total - The total number of records
 * @property {number} skip - The number of skipped records
 * @property {Array} records - An array of objects which represents the query results.
 * @constructor
function DataResultSet() {
    this.total = 0;
    this.skip = 0;
    this.records = [];

 * @abstract
 * @constructor
 * @ignore
function DataContextEmitter() {
DataContextEmitter.prototype.ensureContext = function() {
    return null;

 * An enumeration of the available data object states
 * @enum {number}
var DataObjectState = {
     * Insert State (1)
     * Update State (2)
     * Delete State (4)

 * An enumeration of the available data caching types
 * @enum {string}
var DataCachingType = {
     * Data will never be cached (none)
    None: 'none',
     * Data will always be cached (always)
    Always: 'always',
     * Data will conditionally be cached (conditional)
    Conditional: 'conditional'

types.PrivilegeType = PrivilegeType;
types.DataObjectState = DataObjectState;
types.DataCachingType = DataCachingType;
types.DataQueryableField = DataQueryableField;
types.DataAdapter = DataAdapter;
types.DataContext = DataContext;
types.DataContextEmitter = DataContextEmitter;
types.EventEmitter2 = EventEmitter2;
types.DataEventArgs = DataEventArgs;
types.DataEventListener = DataEventListener;
types.DataModelMigration = DataModelMigration;
types.DataAssociationMapping = DataAssociationMapping;
types.DataModelBatch = DataModelBatch;
types.parsers = {
    parseInteger: function(val) {
        if (_.isNil(val))
            return 0;
        else if (typeof val === 'number')
            return val;
        else if (typeof val === 'string') {
            if (val.match(IntegerRegex) || val.match(FloatRegex)) {
                return parseInt(val, 10);
            else if (val.match(BooleanTrueRegex))
                return 1;
            else if (val.match(BooleanFalseRegex))
                return 0;
        else if (typeof val === 'boolean')
            return val===true ? 1 : 0;
        else {
            return parseInt(val) || 0;
    parseCounter: function(val) {
        return types.parsers.parseInteger(val);
    parseFloat: function(val) {
        if (_.isNil(val))
            return 0;
        else if (typeof val === 'number')
            return val;
        else if (typeof val === 'string') {
            if (val.match(IntegerRegex) || val.match(FloatRegex)) {
                return parseFloat(val);
            else if (val.match(BooleanTrueRegex))
                return 1;
        else if (typeof val === 'boolean')
            return val===true ? 1 : 0;
        else {
            return parseFloat(val);
    parseNumber: function(val) {
        return types.parsers.parseFloat(val);
    parseDateTime: function(val) {
        if (_.isNil(val))
            return null;
        if (val instanceof Date)
            return val;
        if (typeof val === 'string') {
            if (val.match(DateTimeRegex))
                return new Date(Date.parse(val));
        else if (typeof val === 'number') {
            return new Date(val);
        return null;
    parseDate: function(val) {
        var res = types.parsers.parseDateTime(val);
        if (res instanceof Date) {
            return res;
        return res;
    parseBoolean: function(val) {
        return (types.parsers.parseInteger(val)!==0);
    parseText: function(val) {
        if (_.isNil(val))
            return val;
        else if (typeof val === 'string') {
            return val;
        else {
            return val.toString();

module.exports = types;