* MOST Web Framework
* A JavaScript Web Framework
* http://themost.io
* Copyright (c) 2014, Kyriakos Barbounakis k.barbounakis@gmail.com, Anthi Oikonomou anthioikonomou@gmail.com
* Released under the BSD3-Clause license
* Date: 2014-06-10
'use strict';
* @ignore
var path = require('path'),
util = require('util'),
fs = require('fs'),
da = require('most-data'),
array = require('most-array'),
url = require('url'),
common = require('./common');
* Creates an instance of HttpContext class.
* @class HttpContext
* @property {{extension:string,type:string}} mime - Gets an object which represents the mime type associated with this context.
* @property {string} format - Gets a string which represents the response format of this context (e.g html, json, js etc).
* @constructor
* @augments DataContext
* @augments EventEmitter2
* @implements DataContext
* @param {ClientRequest} request
* @param {ServerResponse} response
* @returns {HttpContext}
function HttpContext(httpRequest, httpResponse) {
* @type {ClientRequest}
this.request = httpRequest;
* @type {ServerResponse}
this.response = httpResponse;
*@type {HttpApplication}
this.application = undefined;
var __application__ = null;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'application', {
get: function () {
return __application__;
set: function (value) {
__application__ = value;
}, configurable: false, enumerable: false
var self = this;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'mime', {
get: function () {
var res = self.application.resolveMime(self.request.url);
//if no extension is defined
if (typeof res === 'undefined' || res == null) {
//resolve the defined mime type by filter application mime types
if (self.params && self.params.mime) {
res = self.application.config.mimes.find(function(x) {
return x.type === self.params.mime;
//or try to get accept header (e.g. text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8)
else if (self.request && self.request.headers) {
//get and split ACCEPT HTTP header
var accept = self.request.headers['accept'], arr = accept.split(';');
if (arr[0]) {
//get acceptable mime types
var mimes = arr[0].split(',');
if (mimes.length>0) {
//try to find the application mime associated with the first acceptable mime type
res = self.application.config.mimes.find(function(x) {
return x.type === mimes[0];
return res;
}, configurable: false, enumerable: false
Object.defineProperty(this, 'format', {
get: function () {
var uri = url.parse(self.request.url);
var result = path.extname(uri.pathname);
if (result) {
return result.substr(1).toLowerCase();
else {
//get mime type
var mime = self.mime;
if (mime) {
//and return the extension associated with this mime
return mime.extension.substr(1).toLowerCase();
}, configurable: false, enumerable: false
* Gets an object that represents HTTP query string variables.
* @type {*}
this.querystring = {};
* Gets an object that represents route data variables
* @type {*}
this.data = undefined;
* Gets an object that represents HTTP context parameters
* @type {*}
this.params = {};
var self = this;
var data = null;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'data', {
get: function () {
if (data)
return data;
if (self.request == null) {
data = {};
return data;
else if (self.request.routeData == null) {
data = {};
return data;
else {
data = {};
array(self.request.routeData).each(function (item) {
data[item.name.replace(/^:/, '')] = item.value;
return data;
}, configurable: false, enumerable: false
* @property {*} cookies - Gets a collection of HTTP Request cookies
Object.defineProperty(this, 'cookies', {
get: function () {
var list = {},
rc = self.request.headers.cookie;
rc && rc.split(';').forEach(function( cookie ) {
var parts = cookie.split('=');
list[parts.shift().trim()] = unescape(parts.join('='));
return list;
}, configurable: false, enumerable: false
var jq = null, ng = null, doc, self = this;
* @property {jQuery|HTMLElement|*} $ - Gets server jQuery module
Object.defineProperty(this, '$', {
get: function () {
if (jq)
return jq;
if (typeof doc === 'undefined')
doc = self.application.document();
jq = doc.parentWindow.jQuery;
return jq;
}, configurable: false, enumerable: false
* @property {angular} angular - Gets server angular module
Object.defineProperty(this, 'angular', {
get: function () {
if (ng)
return ng;
if (typeof doc === 'undefined')
doc = self.application.document();
ng = doc.parentWindow.angular;
return ng;
}, configurable: false, enumerable: false
* Gets or sets the current user identity
* @type {*}
this.user = null;
* @type {string}
* @private
this._culture = undefined;
//call super class constructor
if (HttpContext.super_)
//class extension initiators
if (typeof this.init === 'function') {
//call init() method
//todo: set HttpContext inheritance from configuration
util.inherits(HttpContext, da.classes.DefaultDataContext);
HttpContext.prototype.init = function() {
* @param {string} name
* @param {*=} value
* @param {Date=} expires
* @param {string=} domain
* @param {string=} cookiePath
* @returns {string|undefined}
HttpContext.prototype.cookie = function(name, value, expires, domain, cookiePath) {
if (typeof value==='undefined')
if (this.request) {
var cookies = common.parseCookies(this.request);
return cookies[name];
return null;
else {
var cookieValue;
if (value!=null) {
cookieValue = name + '=' + value.toString();
if (expires instanceof Date)
cookieValue += ';expires=' + expires.toUTCString();
else {
cookieValue = name + '=;expires=' + new Date('1970-01-01').toUTCString();
//set default cookie path to root
cookiePath = cookiePath || '/';
//set cookie domain
if (typeof domain === 'string')
cookieValue += ';domain=' + domain;
//set cookie path
if (typeof cookiePath === 'string')
cookieValue += ';path=' + cookiePath;
//set cookie
if (this.response) {
* @param {string} name - The name of the cookie to be added
* @param {string|*} value - The value of the cookie
* @param {Date=} expires - An optional parameter which sets cookie's expiration date. If this parameters is missing or is null a session cookie will be set.
* @param {string=} domain - An optional parameter which sets the cookie's domain.
* @param {string=} cpath - An optional parameter which sets the cookie's path. The default value is the root path.
* @returns {string|undefined}
HttpContext.prototype.setCookie = function(name, value, expires, domain, cpath) {
if (typeof name !== 'string')
throw 'Invalid argument. Argument [name] must be a string.';
if (typeof value !== 'string')
throw 'Invalid argument. Argument [value] must be a string.';
this.cookie(name, value, expires, domain, cpath);
* @param {string} name - The name of the cookie to be deleted
* @param {string=} domain - An optional parameter which indicates cookie's domain.
* @param {string=} cpath - An optional parameter which indicates cookie's path. The default value is the root path.
* @returns {string|undefined}
HttpContext.prototype.removeCookie = function(name, domain, cpath) {
if (typeof name !== 'string')
throw 'Invalid argument. Argument [name] must be a string.';
this.cookie(name, null, null , domain, cpath);
* Executes the specified code in unattended mode.
* @param {function(function(Error=, *=))} fn
* @param {function(Error=, *=)} callback
HttpContext.prototype.unattended = function(fn, callback) {
var self = this, interactiveUser;
callback = callback || function() {};
fn = fn || function() {};
if (self._unattended) {
try {
fn.call(self, function(err, result) {
callback(err, result);
catch(e) {
//get unattended execution account
self.application.config.settings.auth = self.application.config.settings.auth || {};
var account = self.application.config.settings.auth.unattendedExecutionAccount;
//get interactive user
if (this.user) {
interactiveUser = { name:this.user.name,authenticationType: this.user.authenticationType };
//setting interactive user
self.interactiveUser = interactiveUser;
if (account) {
self.user = { name:account, authenticationType:'Basic' };
try {
self._unattended = true;
fn.call(self, function(err, result) {
//restore user
if (interactiveUser) {
self.user = util._extend({ }, interactiveUser);
delete self.interactiveUser;
delete self._unattended;
callback(err, result);
catch(e) {
//restore user
if (interactiveUser) {
self.user = util._extend({ }, interactiveUser);
delete self.interactiveUser;
delete self._unattended;
* Gets or sets the current culture
* @param {String=} value
HttpContext.prototype.culture = function(value) {
var self = this;
if (typeof value === 'undefined') {
if (this._culture)
return this._culture;
//get available culures and default culture
var cultures = ['en-us'], defaultCulture = 'en-us';
if (this.application.config.settings) {
if (this.application.config.settings['localization']) {
cultures = this.application.config.settings['localization']['cultures'] || cultures;
defaultCulture = this.application.config.settings['localization']['default'] || defaultCulture;
//get browser lang
var lang = defaultCulture;
//2. Validate request HTTP header accept-language
if (this.request) {
if (this.request.headers['accept-language']) {
var langs = this.request.headers['accept-language'].split(';');
if (langs.length>0) {
lang = langs[0].split(',')[0] || defaultCulture;
//get request parameter lang
if (self.params) {
lang = self.params.lang || lang;
if (lang) {
var arr = cultures.filter(function(x) {
return (x == lang.toLowerCase()) || (x.substr(0,2) == lang.toLowerCase().substr(0,2));
if (arr.length>0) {
return this._culture;
this._culture = defaultCulture;
return this._culture;
else {
this._culture = value;
* Performs cross-site request forgery validation against the specified token
* @param {string=} csrfToken
HttpContext.prototype.validateAntiForgeryToken = function(csrfToken) {
var self = this;
if (typeof csrfToken === 'undefined') {
//try to get token from params
if (typeof self.params !== 'undefined')
csrfToken = self.params['_CSRFToken'];
if (typeof csrfToken !== 'string')
throw new common.HttpBadRequest('Bad request. Invalid cross-site request forgery token.');
if (csrfToken.length==0)
throw new common.HttpBadRequest('Bad request. Empty cross-site request forgery token.');
try {
var cookies = self.cookies, csrfCookieToken, csrfRequestToken;
if (cookies['.CSRF']) {
//try to decrypt cookie token
try {
csrfCookieToken = JSON.parse(self.application.decrypt(cookies['.CSRF']));
catch(e) {
throw new common.HttpBadRequest('Bad request.Invalid cross-site request forgery data.');
//then try to decrypt the token provided
try {
csrfRequestToken = JSON.parse(self.application.decrypt(csrfToken));
catch(e) {
throw new common.HttpBadRequest('Bad request.Invalid cross-site request forgery data.');
if ((typeof csrfCookieToken === 'object') && (typeof csrfRequestToken === 'object')) {
var valid = true, tokenExpiration = 60;
//1. validate token equality
for(var key in csrfCookieToken) {
if (csrfCookieToken.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (csrfCookieToken[key]!==csrfRequestToken[key]) {
valid = false;
if (valid==true) {
//2. validate timestamp
var timestamp = new Date(csrfCookieToken.date);
var diff = Math.abs((new Date())-timestamp);
if (diff<0) {
if (valid) {
if (self.application.config.settings)
if (self.application.config.settings.auth)
if (self.application.config.settings.auth['csrfExpiration'])
tokenExpiration = parseInt(self.application.config.settings.auth['csrfExpiration']);
if (diff>tokenExpiration*60*1000)
if (valid)
throw new common.HttpBadRequest('Bad request. A cross-site request forgery was detected.');
else {
throw new common.HttpBadRequest('Bad request.Missing cross-site request forgery data.');
catch(e) {
if (e.status)
throw e;
throw new common.HttpServerError('Request validation failed.');
HttpContext.prototype.writeFile = function (file) {
try {
var fs = require("fs");
var path = require("path");
var app = require('./index');
var response = this.response;
//check if file exists
if (!fs.existsSync(file))
throw new app.common.HttpNotFoundException();
//get file extension
var extensionName = path.extname(file);
//and try to find this extension to MIME types
//get MIME collection
var contentType = null;
var a = require('most-array');
var mime = a(app.current.config.mimes).firstOrDefault(function (x) {
return (x.extension == extensionName);
if (mime != null)
contentType = mime.type;
//throw exception (MIME not found)
if (contentType == null)
throw new app.common.HttpForbiddenException();
fs.readFile(file, "binary", function (err, stream) {
if (err) {
//todo:raise application asynchronous error
response.writeHead(500, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
response.write('500 Internal Server Error');
response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': contentType});
response.write(stream, "binary");
} catch (e) {
throw e;
* Checks whether the HTTP method of the current request is equal or not to the given parameter.
* @param {String|Array} method - The HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
* */
HttpContext.prototype.is = function (method) {
var self = this;
if (self.request == null)
return false;
if (util.isArray(method)) {
return (method.filter(function(x) { return self.request.method.toUpperCase() == x.toUpperCase(); }).length>0);
else {
if (typeof method !== 'string')
return false;
if (method=='*')
return true;
return (self.request.method.toUpperCase() == method.toUpperCase());
HttpContext.prototype.isPost = function () {
return this.is('POST');
* @param {String|Array} method
* @param {Function} fn
* @returns {HttpContext}
HttpContext.prototype.handle = function(method, fn) {
if (this.is(method)) {
this.handled = true;
return this;
HttpContext.prototype.unhandle = function(fn) {
if (!this.handled) {
* Invokes the given function if the current HTTP method is equal to POST
* @param {Function()} fn
* @returns {HttpContext}
HttpContext.prototype.handlePost = function(fn) {
return this.handle('POST', fn);
* Invokes the given function if the current HTTP method is equal to GET
* @param {Function()} fn
* @returns {HttpContext}
HttpContext.prototype.handleGet = function(fn) {
return this.handle('GET', fn);
* Invokes the given function if the current HTTP method is equal to PUT
* @param {Function()} fn
* @returns {HttpContext}
HttpContext.prototype.handlePut = function(fn) {
return this.handle('PUT', fn);
* Invokes the given function if the current HTTP method is equal to PUT
* @param {Function()} fn
HttpContext.prototype.handleDelete = function(fn) {
return this.handle('DELETE', fn);
* Gets or sets the current HTTP handler
* @param {Object=} value
* @returns {Function|Object}
HttpContext.prototype.currentHandler = function (value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return this.request.currentHandler;
else {
this.request.currentHandler = value;
* Translates the given string to the language specified in this context
* @param {string} text - The string to translate
* @param {string=} lib - A string that represents the library which contains the source string. This arguments is optional. If this argument is missing, then the operation will use the default (global) library.
* @returns {*}
HttpContext.prototype.translate = function(text, lib) {
try {
var self = this, app = self.application;
//todo::get current HTTP context locale
//ensure locale
var locale = this.culture();
//ensure localization library
lib = lib || 'global';
//get cached library object if any
app.config.locales = app.config.locales || {};
var library = app.config.locales[lib];
//if library has not been yet initialized
if (!library) {
//get library path
var file = app.mapPath('/locales/'.concat(lib,'.',locale,'.json'));
//if file does not exist
if (!fs.existsSync(file))
//return the give text
return text;
else {
//otherwise create library
library = app.config.locales[lib] = {};
if (!library[locale]) {
var file = app.mapPath('/locales/'.concat(lib,'.',locale,'.json'));
if (fs.existsSync(file))
library[locale] = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(file,'utf8'));
var result = text;
if (library[locale])
result = library[locale][text];
return result || text;
catch (e) {
return text;
* Translates the given string to the language specified in this context
* @param {string} text - The string to translate
* @param {string=} lib - A string that represents the library which contains the source string. This arguments is optional. If this argument is missing, then the operation will use the default (global) library.
* @returns {*}
HttpContext.prototype.t = HttpContext.prototype.translate;
* Creates an instance of a view engine based on the given extension (e.g. ejs, md etc)
* @param {string} extension
* @returns {*}
HttpContext.prototype.engine = function(extension) {
var item = this.application.config.engines.find(function(x) { return x.extension===extension; });
if (item) {
var engine = require(item.type);
if (typeof engine.createInstance !== 'function') {
throw new Error('Invalid view engine module.')
return engine.createInstance(this);
if (typeof exports !== 'undefined')
module.exports = {
* @class HttpContext
* Creates an instance of HttpContext class.
* @param {ClientRequest} request
* @param {ServerResponse} response
* @returns {HttpContext}
createInstance: function (request, response) {
return new HttpContext(request, response);