

new DataField()

Name Type Description
name string Gets or sets the internal name of this field.
property string Gets or sets the property name for this field.
title string Gets or sets the title of this field.
nullable boolean Gets or sets a boolean that indicates whether field is nullable or not.
type string Gets or sets the type of this field.
primary boolean Gets or sets a boolean that indicates whether field is primary key or not.
many boolean Gets or sets a boolean that indicates whether field defines an one-to-many relationship between models.
model boolean Gets or sets the parent model of this field.
value * Gets or sets the default value of this field.
calculation * Gets or sets the calculated value of this field.
readonly boolean Gets or sets a boolean which indicates whether a field is readonly.
editable boolean Gets or sets a boolean which indicates whether a field is available for edit. The default value is true.
mapping DataAssociationMapping Get or sets a relation mapping for this field.
coltype string Gets or sets a string that indicates the data field's column type. This attribute is used in data view definition
expandable boolean Get or sets whether the current field defines an association mapping and the associated data object(s) must be included while getting data.
section string Gets or sets the section where the field belongs.
nested boolean Gets or sets a boolean which indicates whether this field allows object(s) to be nested and updatable during an insert or update operation
description string Gets or sets a short description for this field.
help string Gets or sets a short help for this field.
appearance string Gets or sets the appearance template of this field, if any.
validation Object | * Gets or sets data validation attributes.
options * Gets or sets the available options for this field.
virtual boolean Gets or sets a boolean that indicates whether this fields is a view only field or not.